Forza Parabolan



Concentration: 100mg/ml

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Forza Parabolan, this anabolic steroid is actually an esterified version of trenbolone, and also known as Trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate. Parabolan was granted approval for use in humans for a prolonged period. Trenbolone acetate held approval for human use for a very short period but it was quickly withdrawn and remains only licensed for veterinary use. This anabolic steroid is very powerful on it’s own, but generally it is used in a stack. Primobolan, Masteron and Winstrol are often added for a cutting cycle while Trenbolone, Dianabol and Anadrol are often used with Parabolan for the purposes of bulking. Testosterone should be added to any stack to avoid suffering from sexual dysfunction. For a bulking cycle, a much higher dose of testosterone is normally used compared to a cutting cycle.


Recommended dosage for male is 200-400mg per week

Recommended dosage for female is 100-200mg per week


Some may start PCT as early as two or three days after the last pill or injection is taken. Start times are not set in stone and will vary from person to person depending on the length of the cycle and what steroids were taken at what dosages. Obviously, with a longer cycle, you’ll need a longer recovery period of PCT. Common PCT cycles after using Tren Hex last four weeks and begin three days following the last injection of Tren Hex.

PCT uses either Clomid or Nolvadex although some individuals will use both during this time. Clomid and Nolvadex both come with side effects that may include headaches, nausea and upset stomach. These side effects will vary from person to person depending on his/her tolerance level. Whether choosing one over the other or choosing to use both for PCT, it’s common to start with higher doses of both drugs and taper the dosage down until PCT comes to an end.


      •  Tren Flu
      •  Night Sweats
      •  Aggression
      • Insomnia
      • Suppressed Testosterone Production

Medical Disclaimer
Please we urge you to contact your physician and do thorough research before starting any type of diet, exercise program, supplement program, drug therapy or if you feel that you may have an existing medical condition.

The information presented here should not be considered medical recommendation in any way. Legal issues regarding anabolic steroidsgrowth hormone, and other performance related drugs vary from state, province and country. If these drugs are illegal according to the laws governing, please do not engage in their use.


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